West Jordan Historical Society

The West Jordan Historical Museum news

 The Cottage Inn will be moved to its new foundation at the West Jordan Historical Museum as soon as we have a few dry days. Once the cottage is in place, our new fences in the back are scheduled to be installed. 

 The arched stone from the West Jordan LDS Ward (1909) will soon be placed in the museum along with a display of stories, photos and other artifacts from the old ward house. If any of our West Jordan residents have stories, programs, song books, sacrament trays or photos of the white stone church between 1913 and 1956, please contact us so they can be included in this display. 

 We would like to thank the Rotary Club for their kind donation which allowed us to purchase two bookcases and a file cabinet to be used in our soon to be opened research library. We are thankful for their donation. If anyone has old book, family history, old West Jordan photos and any other type of documents with West Jordan history behind them, please bring them by.

 We are in the process of sprucing up the front of the Museum. We just had an Eagle project by Garrett Johnson which involved a concrete pad installed on the west side of the museum.  Garrett also moved the farm tools up on the pad. This really cleaned up the area by the driveway.  This was a great Eagle project and we are thankful for it.  The city just recently installed a sprinkler system at the museum so it will be easier for us to keep the grass green for our patrons. Our new museum sign is just about completed. It is the result of Jeremy Knowles’ Eagle Scout project.  We appreciate all the help that these young men have given to the museum.

 Jay Richardson’s family donated an original wooden horse that came from the first carousel installed at Saltaire around 1897.  The restored carousel horse had been in the possession of the Gardner family for many years. At one time it had been converted into a rocking horse. In 1985, the family had the wooden horse reinforced with steel inserted into the joints and then repainted. A new stand was built to display it as well. The carousel was a gift from Jay’s niece Donna Douglas who now lives in Hurricane, Utah. Donna’s mother, Fern Richardson Douglas had joined the WASPs during WWII to serve as a pilot and to train other women to fly planes. The tail on the wooden horse is made from her long red hair which she cut off when she joined the service. We are very thankful for this gift. We hope to find some early Saltaire photos and other items to make this a fantastic display at the museum. 

 We thank the community for their support of the museum by their donations and volunteerism. We welcome those who are interested in being part of our museum board or would like to serve on committees and help preserve our West Jordan Heritage. Please call Robert or Linda Dalley at 255-3116. The museum is located at 2053 West 7800 South on the north side of the West Jordan Main Park. We are opened Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.