If you havent seen it yet, drive by the
museum and take a gander of our new white picket fence along the front and
sides. We appreciate the time and effort
spent by W.J.City staff to help acquire the fence
during the road widening process.We are
also looking forward to finalizing site improvements in the front and back of
the museum house.We would like to
commend Larry Harper for completing his Eagle Project which was to acquire and
install our new beautiful flagpole.Good
job Larry!It is really hard now to
drive by and not spot us.In fact, the
museum is open Tuesdays and Saturdays from 11A.M. to 4.30
PM.Thursdays till 6 P.M and by appointment.The gates will be open.In the near future we will also be opening
our library and reading room at the museum.We have a big project coming up and we are looking for the following
item: a 1920-1930s National Cash Register or similar make and model, Hamilton
Beach malt mixer with green or silver motor, an oil stove, four (4) soda
fountain type stools with vinyl seats that bolt to the floor, and a small
We wish to thank all of our volunteers &
Eagle Scouts who have been coming during the last few months who braved the
cold weather to help us accomplish some needed tasks.We welcome those who are interested in being
part of our museum board or would like to serve on committees and help preserve
our West Jordan
heritage. Please call Robert or Linda Dalley at 255-3116