The West
JordanHistoricalMuseum is getting closer to completion
with recent help from three Eagle Scout projects and work performed by West Jordan
citizens.This past month an addition to
our chicken coop was completed.The
service porch was painted with a second coat and is ready for the floor &
baseboards to be installed.The kitchen
is nearing completion with help received with the tile on the kitchen
counter.The barn is almost completed
and the grainy (milk house) building is currently being renovated by an Eagle
Scout Project. The museum building has been spruced up with new curtains.On Tuesday June 11, Linda and Bob Dalley,
representing the West JordanHistoricalMuseum
were invited to CampTracy by the Boy Scouts
of America as the Greater Salt Lake Council honored them and others for
providing Eagle Scout hopefuls with projects to complete their requirements for
Eagle Scout during the last year. We wish to thank all of those who have come
and helped the museum in the last few months.You have made a difference!
want to start filling up our display cabinets so the museum is looking for West
Jordan/Utah memorabilia to house in the museum and on the grounds.Our partial wish list includes written family
histories of original West Jordan Pioneer families. Pre 1940s tractor.Old saddle, blanket, bridles, lasso.
Ten-gallon milk can(s).Cream can,
milking stool & pail.Old yearbooks
and artifacts/pictures from West Jordan schools.Police/fire pictures, uniforms, and
artifacts.Military uniforms and
pictures of the men in them from all wars.Artifacts from all churches in West Jordan.Anything from the old Silcox Shell station,
the Burton gas
station, the Triangle Station and any service station garage memorabilia.Any artifacts from any old West Jordan
business. Hogan Dairy artifacts, calendars, bottles, milk caps, cases.Beckstead Dairy artifacts, pictures, bottles,
caps. McDougal Dairy artifacts and pictures.We are looking for information on any other dairies that were in West Jordan.We are looking for artifacts from Gardner
Mill.We need old photos of anything in
old West Jordan.Mining artifacts including an ore car from BinghamCanyon.Pictures of the Goff store that was on Redwood Road and 78th.Old West Jordan Post cards.Stationary, business cards, cancelled checks,
calendars from any West Jordan businesses.Information, pictures, artifacts, of the silkworm or mink industry in
West Jordan.Pictures, artifacts, etc of
the Sugar Factory and sugar beet industry in West Jordan.Pictures, artifacts (arrowheads etc) from the
Indians who lived in West Jordan. Pictures artifacts from the Wight Fort.Pictures and artifacts etc from the old Orem railroad line that
ran through West Jordan.
Old farm tools, anvil, windmill, pump house building, pull chain toilet. 1930s
Hoosier cabinet, pie safe and butterchurn. Supplies for canning. Spinning
wheel, treadle sewing machine. Old Guns/rifles/shotguns. (Not working is
great)An old Sheep camp is greatly
desired as are some old wagons. We are also looking for volunteers for our
committees to help run the museum. For
donations, volunteers or information concerning the museum contact Linda Dalley
at 255-3116 or 941-0189.