The West
Jordan Historical Museum news
The West Jordan Historical
Museum would like to
thank the many residents of West
Jordan who have contacted us these last few months. They wanted us to know how much they have
appreciated what the museum is doing for the community. Others have called and helped with clean up
and constructions of projects. Many have
commented on how much they enjoy reading the West Jordan Historical Museum News
column in the West Jordan Journal. We
appreciate the residents who have supported us in this effort and look forward
to many years of community support. Now
onto what has been going on the last few months.
We have been informed that the 7800 South
road widening (south side only) should be completed during July. This will be
happening just in time as the West
Jordan Main Park will be closed for construction of
a ring road though the park which will cut off our access from the park. We will be open during construction and
access will be available from 7800 South.
Back in April of this year, there was an
article that appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune about the popular McCurdy Doll
Collection which was located in Provo
for many years. The couple who ran the museum
is retiring and are looking for a new Utah
home for the collection. The West Jordan Historical Museum
was one of many Utah
museums who would like the collection moved to their museum. In a follow up
article about the McCurdy collection, Linda Dalley, President of the West Jordan Museum, was quoted saying We could do
the collection justice. We hope to find
out soon as to who gets the collection. We at the museum have our fingers crossed. On another note. The museum at Gardner Mill is closed. The family who furnished some of the items for
the Mill display are now moving the artifacts to the West Jordan Historical
Museum. We will have them on display very soon.
We have two more Eagle Scout projects
starting within the next month or so. We
are happy to provide these young men an opportunity to complete a project that benefits
the whole community. We still have more
projects available, so if you are interested doing your Eagle project at the
museum, please give us a call.
Recently we have two service projects
completed by local LDS wards. A new
metal roof for the outdoor chicken coop was completed. Next winter the chickens will be protected
from snow coming through the top or large tree limbs. These groups also helped do a spring cleaning
inside the museum house. We appreciate
those who have given their time to make us successful.
Some of our projects need help from those who are specialized in construction,
electrical and welding trades for some projects we would like to complete this
year with donated labor. One project includes the restoration of the John Deere
tractor which was recently donated to us and restoring the old water tank tower.
If anyone in the community, clubs,
churches, schools etc. is looking for service projects, we could use your help. We once again thank those volunteers who have
made the museum a success with their hard work and donations.
Currently our wish list looks like this: Wooden
wheel sheep camp, old farm tools, old dairy equipment, old wagons, more family
histories, old West Jordan
photographs and historical West Jordan
artifacts. We are still looking for a
windmill, a wooden wishing well, ore cart, and a log cabin.
Again we thank the many volunteers and
friends of the West Jordan
Historical Museum
and Society and invite those who are interested in being part of our museum
board or serve on committees to help to preserve our West Jordan heritage. Please call Linda
Dalley at 255-3116 or 403-9030.