West Jordan Historical Society

The West Jordan Historical Museum News. 

 The West Jordan Historical Museum is very grateful to all who have visited the museum lately. The number of people, local citizens and other areas coming for tours at the museum is increasing every day. Thanks you for your interest and visits. Spring is here, the grass is greening and the leaves will be coming out soon. A perfect time to visit the museum.

 Many years ago, when West Jordan was very young and the Rock Meeting House (Pioneer Hall) was the only church building that served West Jordan and Midvale. There was not enough space for the sisters of the ward to have their own room. The sisters did have some money in their treasury and decided to build a house for the Relief Society alone. Sister Miranda Bateman was the president and she, with the help of the Bishopric, had the building all paid for before it was completed.

 The time was about 1882. All the work that the men could do was donated. Many of the sons and husbands of the sisters came and helped with the building. But lots of things had to be bought and the sisters furnished all of the money. In order to raise money for the building each sister was suppose to donate all the eggs she got from her chickens on Sunday. These she took to meetings and they were sold to the store. This practice was kept up after the completion of the house in order to have money for thread, bats, and other necessities for the making of quilts. Quilts were made and sold, carpets were made and sold, and many bazaars were given to raise the money. The brick building stood north of the Rock Meeting House on old Bingham Highway, near where the plumbing business now operates.

 They bought a stove, blinds for the windows, and borrowed some old chairs from the ward house. These chairs were used for many years although they had been discarded by the ward. The relief society had a table and a large box in which they stored their quilts.

 In connection with the meeting room a small granary was built in the west end of the house. There were no windows in it and one door led outside. The reason for building a granary was that Brigham Young had told Sister Wells, the General President of the Relief Society, to instruct the members of the Relief Society to gather wheat and store it in case of a famine. The teachers were supposed to ask for a donation of a bushel of wheat a year from each member of the Relief Society.

 Many socials were held in that old Relief Society house. Many large families who had scattered to other towns would hold reunions here and many ward functions were there. When large dinners were served, dishes were borrowed from the sisters and some dishes were donated for this purpose. 

 In 1900, construction was started on a new ward house on Redwood Rd. When the new ward house was completed, there was room enough so the sisters could have a room of their own. Therefore, the old house was abandoned.

 Over the years the building was used as a home. At one time the West Jordan Town Board considered using the building for city offices, but the building was in too bad of shape to be saved. Sadly it was later torn down. The Relief Society House was a tribute to the early pioneer women of West Jordan. Information concerning the Relief Society House was take from a story written by Mary Ellen Gardner, ( date unknown) and the History of West Jordan.

 Thank you for your support. Admission to the museum is free but we do accept donations. If you would like to be a volunteer at our upcoming Ice Cream Social on the Fourth of July or the Annual Pumpkin Walk on the third Saturday of October, please let us know. Businesses in West Jordan are invited to become involved in these yearly events. For more information, volunteering special tours, please give us a call at 255-3116 or 403-9030. For museum hours call 568-0938.



The West Jordan Historical Museum News.  

 The West Jordan Historical Museum is very grateful to all who have visited the museum during the winter months. We appreciate you taking the time to fight the snow, wind and rain to make your visits. 

 We are currently asking residents of West Jordan, especially those who families were among the original pioneers who founded West Jordan, to submit family histories for our new library and research center that will be opening soon. We are looking for genealogy, family stories, photograph, newspaper clippings, and information on old West Jordan business, especially the Lucky Penny Café, The Redwood Inn, and the Butterworth’s meat market. Information on early organizations including Lions Club, Rotary, churches, and anything that has to do with West Jordan History. Records and photographs can be scanned at the museum. 

 We were recently visited by the president of the Archibald Gardner Camp of the DUP who discovered a fantastic historical find. Several old scrapbooks which were kept by members of the DUP which included tons of newspaper clippings concerning the DUP, West Jordan, Salt Lake City and much more from about the 1930’s on up. We are hoping to find more of these types of family scrapbooks and such to add to our files. If you can help, please do. 

 During the month of February, the West Jordan Museum lost one of their biggest supporters. We were saddened to hear about the passing of Deck Hunter. Deck was a great man with a heart of gold. Deck and his wife Judy were the first to bring artifacts to the museum which gave our displays a kick start. Dick was generous with his time as he was in ill health, but didn’t loose his enthusiasm for the museum. He would bring items over and talk about them. He looked over some of our other items and was able to help us identify them. Deck and Judy brought many ideas to help the museum along. After his passing, we learned that he had left all his pocket change to the museum, which turned out to be a “lot” of pocket change he had stashed in jars, wine bottles and other containers for about 30 years. We thank the generosity of both Deck and Judy Hunter for their support of the museum. We will miss Deck. We are using the money we received from Deck and Judy to finish the garage into a display area where many of Dick’s tools will be on display for all to enjoy.

 There are three Eagle Scout projects in progress at the museum. One is finishing the floor in the basement so our library can be set up. The other is getting the stairs ready with handrails and other safety items so the stairs can be traversed safely. The other is texturing the ceiling in the Cottage Inn kitchen, the storage room repairing walls, painting and repairing the kitchen cabinets by building new drawers. We are looking for a replacement cast iron sink. Please let us know if you run across one that will fit. We are hopinn to ready the Cottage Inn for a ribbon cutting opening by the fourth of July during our ice cream social.

 Thank you for your support. Admission to the museum is free but we do accept donations. If you would like to be a volunteer at our upcoming Ice Cream Social on the Fourth of July or the Annual Pumpkin Walk on the third Saturday of October, please let us know. Businesses in West Jordan are invited to become involved in these yearly events. For more information, volunteering special tours, please give us a call at 255-3116 or 403-9030. For museum hours call 568-0938.



 The West Jordan Historical Museum is very grateful to all who have visited the museum lately. The number of people, both local citizens and people from other areas coming for tours at the museum is increasing every day. Thanks for your interest and visits. We have had two new baby chicks born in the last few weeks. The mother hen is very protective and the rooster has been crowing ever since. Spring is here, the grass is green and the shade is terrific. A perfect time to visit the museum.